Personal Development
The physical health and mental health benefits of travel
and spending meaningful time in nature is vital as we escape our day-to-day lives for a moment, experience new places, challenge ourselves in ways we cannot at home, and understand more about our own capabilities through a variety of appropriate nature-based activities and experiences.
Physical and Mental Health Benefits
• Increased confidence, self-reliance, initiative, loyalty and a sense of service to others.
• Increased feelings of wellbeing, gratitude, mindfulness and reflection.
• Increased enthusiasm for learning outside and a greater understanding of personal capabilities.
• Increased understanding and appreciation of cultural differences through preparation, meaningful contact and project delivery
• Reducing feelings of tension, stress and anxiety through meaningfully accessing nature, learning new skills and feeling more capable.
• Increased physical health through the promotion of a healthy lifestyle and the provision of opportunities for physical development.
• Increased personal safety by encouraging self-awareness, respect and risk management through managed exposure to challenging environments.
• Modelling good citizenship by involvement in local communities, and the encouragement of positive community contribution.
• Increased future economic well-being by enhancing job prospects, through hard and soft skills learnt and recorded in CV & CPD information.